====== 6.4. Declare language changes ======
In general terms you should make sure the same language is used for all content.
In special cases where text is written in a different language from the rest of the page, use the tools in the publishing software for declaring the change of language.
The “Language” option in the publishing software is used to indicate expressions written in a different language from the main language.
In this insert specify the functionalities for declaring a change of language.
Delete this recommendation if the publishing software does not have a feature for this, and ask contributors to limit the use of terms in foreign languages.
There is an exception to this recommendation. Language changes do not need to be declared for proper nouns, as well as foreign words that are standard usage in the current language. For example, you do not need to declare a change of language for the following words and expressions:
* Hamburger.
* Croissant.
* Charles de Gaulle.
* Etc.