====== 7.2. Make sure that colours are not the only method for conveying information ======
Do not use colour to convey information on its own. It is preferable to use other ways apart from colour or a comparable method. This applies to text, and images, and rich content.
As a first step, you can test this point by imagining the page printed in black and white, to see if all the information remains comprehensible.
{{:notices:contributeurs:7.2-a-en.jpg?direct&400 |}}
//In the first example, the information in the pie chart can only be understood by
associating a colour with the corresponding segment of the pie chart.
The second version can be understood even if the colours are removed.//
If images or rich content contains information that is conveyed only by colour are supplied for publication, they should be returned to the contributor so that a new optimised version is obtained.