====== 3.2.1. Make sure that information is comprehensible, even if the colours are absent ======
Information must not be conveyed solely by colour.
To test this point, you can first convert the mock-up to black and white and check that all the information is still comprehensible.
===== Examples =====
//In the first example, the information in the pie chart can only be understood by associating each segment with a colour; the second version is comprehensible even if the colours are absent.//
//In this example, pictograms are used instead of squares of different colours. //
===== Some useful tools =====
* [[http://colororacle.org/|Color Oracle]], free color blindness simulator.
* [[http://www.vischeck.com/|Vischeck]], online color blindness simulator.
* [[http://www.colblindor.com/coblis-color-blindness-simulator/|Coblis]], online color blindness simulator.
===== Related recommendations =====
* Previous recommendation: [[notices:graphique-ergonomique:assurer-un-contraste-suffisant-entre-les-contenus-et-l-arriere-plan-ou-proposer-une-alternative-contrastee]]
* Next recommendation: [[notices:graphique-ergonomique:prevoir-un-intitule-explicite-pour-chaque-lien]]