====== 7.3.2. Provide help for entering data ====== Whenever the user is expected to enter values in a specific format in a form field, this should normally be indicated to the user. ===== Examples ===== {{:notices:graphique-ergonomique:7.3.2-a-en.jpg?direct|}}\\ //In this example, information concerning the format of the date is provided inside the label text. // {{:notices:graphique-ergonomique:7.3.2-a.jpg?direct|}}\\ //In this example, information concerning the format and size of the document is provided before the document is sent.// {{:notices:graphique-ergonomique:7.3.2-c-en.jpg?direct|}}\\ //Auto-completion is another way of providing field-level help to the user.// ===== Related recommendations ===== * Previous recommendation: [[notices:graphique-ergonomique:indiquer-clairement-les-champs-obligatoires]] * Next recommendation: [[notices:graphique-ergonomique:prevoir-des-messages-d-erreurs-explicites-et-des-suggestions-de-correction-si-necessaire]]