====== 1.1.1. Provide breadcrumbs ====== Breadcrumbs must be present on each page: * They must show the current position of the user in the website’s hierarchical structure in relation to the home page. * They must allow the user to navigate up the hierarchy of parent pages to the home page. * They must always be positioned in the same place on every page of the website. **Note**\\ Breadcrumbs are not mandatory on the home page. **Tip**\\ It is considered good practice to visually distinguish the last item of breadcrumbs if this is the current position. ===== Examples ===== {{:notices:graphique-ergonomique:1.1.1-a-en.jpg?direct|}}\\ //Example breadcrumbs.// ===== Related recommendations ===== * Next recommendation: [[notices:graphique-ergonomique:prevoir-au-moins-deux-moyens-de-navigation-parmi-un-menu-principal-un-plan-du-site-et-un-moteur-de-recherche]]