====== 7.1.1. Provide an explicit label for each form field ======
An explicit label must be provided for each form field.
If it is not practical to add a label for each field (lack of space in the mock-up, for example), there are other solutions that can be used later in the development phase (adding tooltips, for example). Nevertheless, this is a compromise solution that is less effective than directly optimizing the form field label.
===== Examples =====
//In this example, the “Search” and “Language” form fields both have explicit labels.//
{{:notices:graphique-ergonomique:7.1.1-b-en.jpg?direct&400 |}}
//In this example, a label has been added to the field for the second line of the address.//
===== Related recommendations =====
* Previous recommendation: [[notices:graphique-ergonomique:prevoir-un-titre-pour-chaque-tableau-de-donnees]]
* Next recommendation: [[notices:graphique-ergonomique:prevoir-des-intitules-identiques-pour-les-champs-dont-la-fonction-est-identique]]