====== 7.3.4. Provide a confirmation message ======
Whenever a form is validated with success, a confirmation message must be provided. This message must remind the user of the action that has been executed.
In some circumstances, a confirmation message is not necessary, as the page displayed after submitting the form makes the result of the action obvious. For example:
* A connection form that sends the user to a “User profile” page.
* A “Go to next step” button that sends the user to the next step in a form with multiple steps.
* A comment form that sends the user to the comment posted.
* Etc.
===== Examples =====
//Following the addition of an event to an agenda,
a confirmation message is clearly displayed on the screen.//
===== Related recommendations =====
* Previous recommendation: [[notices:graphique-ergonomique:prevoir-des-messages-d-erreurs-explicites-et-des-suggestions-de-correction-si-necessaire]]
* Next recommendation: [[notices:graphique-ergonomique:indiquer-clairement-le-nombre-total-d-etapes-ainsi-que-l-etape-en-cours]]