====== 8.3.1. Provide a method for stopping each animated content ======
You should provide a way of pausing and restarting each animated content (content that scrolls, blinks, moves, or is automatically updated, etc.).
You do not need to provide a progress bar or pause/play button for animations that last less than 5 seconds.
If a page display many animated contents, a good practice is to provide a way of pausing and restarting all movements, at the top of the page.
===== Examples =====
//This slideshow has a system for pausing the movement.//
//This animated advertisement has a system for pausing the movement.//
===== Related recommendations =====
* Previous recommendation: [[notices:graphique-ergonomique:prevoir-des-moyens-pour-controler-l-avancement-et-le-volume-sonore-de-chaque-contenu-audio]]
* Next recommendation: [[notices:graphique-ergonomique:prevoir-un-moyen-pour-stopper-chaque-son-lance-automatiquement]]