====== 7.1.4. In long forms group similar form fields together and give them a heading ====== Whenever fields of the same type are present in long forms (for example, address fields), these must be: * Visually grouped together. * Introduced with a clear and concise heading. ===== Example ===== {{:notices:graphique-ergonomique:7.1.4-a-en.jpg?nolink|}}\\ // In this example, the fields are grouped in zone: “Passengers Details”. \\ Information for each passenger is grouped together, and titled “Adult 1” and “Adult 2”. // ===== Related recommendations ===== * Previous recommendation: [[notices:graphique-ergonomique:positionner-chaque-intitule-a-proximite-de-son-champ]] * Next recommendation: [[notices:graphique-ergonomique:positionner-un-bouton-de-soumission-a-la-fin-de-chaque-formulaire]]