====== 5.3.1. Enter the alt attribute to each image map and corresponding tags ======
Whenever an image map is included in the HTML code:
* An ''alt'' attribute must be added to the ''
'' tag, as well as to each '''' tag.
* The ''alt'' attribute of the ''
'' tag must state the purpose of the image map.
* The ''alt'' attribute of each '''' tag must state the purpose of the link.
For example, imagine a map of the United States in which you can click on each state to obtain more information about the state:
===== Related recommendations =====
* Previous recommendation: [[notices:html-css:renseigner-l-attribut-alt-sur-les-images-porteuses-d-information]]
* Next recommendation: [[notices:html-css:integrer-les-balises-map-et-area-juste-apres-chaque-image-mappee-dans-le-flux-html]]