====== 11.1.1. Make sure the tab order follows the logical reading order ======
The tab order must follow the logical reading order of the page.
This means that when an interactive element immediately precedes another during a visual browsing of the page, the focus must move to the second element immediately after having left the first.
Except in very rare cases where the interface is totally stable and controlled for a long period of time, make sure you do not use the ''tabindex'' attribute with a value of more than 0; otherwise, there is a risk of disrupting the tab order logic in the page.
===== Related recommendations =====
* Previous recommendation: [[notices:html-css:garantir-la-comprehension-de-l-information-meme-lorsque-css-est-desactive]]
* Next recommendation: [[notices:html-css:mettre-en-place-des-liens-d-evitement]]