Content of the first panel.
Content of the second panel.
Content of the third panel.
Without JavaScript, all the panels are displayed, and the tabs are used as links to directly access the content of the corresponding panel.
===== Behaviour with JavaScript =====
The scripts are then added to the basic HTML code to handle the following points:
* With the exception of the active panel, the panels are hidden by default using the ''display: none'' attribute in the CSS.
* The ''role="tabpanel"'' attribute value is applied to each panel.
* The ''role="tablist"'' attribute value is applied to the tab container.
* The ''role="tab"'' attribute value is applied to each of the tabs.
* The ''aria-controls'' attribute is applied to each of the tabs. The value of this attribute is retrieved from the ''id'' attribute of the corresponding panel.
* The ''aria-selected="false"'' attribute value is applied to each tab, except for the active tab that has the attribute value ''aria-selected="true"''. The value of this attribute then changes dynamically to ''true'' when the corresponding content is displayed and ''false'' otherwise.
* The ''