6.3.1. Indicate the opening of new windows

Each time that a link or button triggers the mandatory opening of a new window in the browser, the user must be forewarned:

  • By adding a reference of type “(new window)”, directly in the link text.
  • Or by adding an image in the link text, with the alternate text duly entered.
  • Or by adding a reference of type “(new window)” in the title attribute.

For example:

<a href="cgv.html" target="_blank">General terms and conditions (new window)</a>
<a href="cgv.html" target="_blank">
    General terms and conditions
    <img src="images/new-window-pictogram.png" alt="(new window)" title="(new window)" />
<a href="cgv.html" target="_blank" title="General terms and conditions (new window)">General terms and conditions</a>


Do not apply this recommendation on links or buttons opening modal windows.

notices/html-css/signaler-l-ouverture-des-nouvelles-fenetres.txt · Last modified: 29 August 2013 at 14:39 by Sébastien Delorme (Atalan)

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